

🛠 Photos ©️ Romain Girtgen

Our crack team has been working flat out since January 2020 to complete the FerroForum project in the Atelier Central of the old Esch-Schifflange steelworks. Two or three times a week, this handful of enthusiasts – “welded by the project” – work together to refurbish the site, install structures for workshops, map out the programme for coming seasons, and develop strategies, projects and collaborations. The challenge is enormous – as is our energy and our determination!


Active Team members

  • Romain Bohr

    Flëssegt Eisen aus Äerz schmëlzen
  • Dan Cao

  • Gina Conter

  • Do Demuth

    Co-secrétaire a Minettsdapp
  • Misch Feinen

    Präsident, Ustëppler a Feierstëppler
  • Dany Frost

    Compagnol polyvalent
  • Romain Girtgen

    Fotograf an Dokumentarist
  • Néckel Graf

    Aktive Member
  • Hayley Hickinbotham

    Aktive Member
  • Carlo Jones

    Homme à tout faire
  • Claude Kieffer

    Aktive Member
  • Fränk Kühler

    Sprengmeeschter / Brandstëfter
  • Marc Kühler

    Schtroumpf bricoleur
  • Henri Molitor

    La fouine
  • Luciano Pagliarini

    Komitésmember, Historiker
  • Carlo Pauly

    Aktive Member an Walzmeeschter
  • Thomas Pietschmann

  • Alain Schleich

    Aktive Member an Schmatt
  • Joé Simon

    ganz aktiven Komitésmember
  • Nello Tescari

  • Birgit Thalau

    Komitésmember, geet op Fong vu Mënsch a Material.
  • Ern Wolter

  • Sky

    From white sky to grey sky.
  • Django & friends

  • Blackberry

    Her Mistress' Shadow