
IFEN Workshop for teachers @ FerroForum

Teacher training as part of the exhibition “Green Machine – Die Dinge der Anderen” by Ben Greber at the Konschthal Esch.

Unlike the industrial age, the digital age is characterised by what the German artist Ben Greber (b. 1979) describes as “the progressive de-objectification and invisibility of all the processes necessary for life and society”.

Ben Greber documents this disappearance, or intangibility, without seeking to preserve or reproduce it. In addition to important works from recent years, the exhibition features a vast new installation in reference to the former ‘Terres Rouges’ steelworks in Esch-sur-Alzette.

In response to this work and the ‘Green Machine’ exhibition by German artist Ben Greber, the Konschthal is inviting Ferroforum to take part.

Course of the day

09:00-12:00: workshop
12.00-13.00: lunch with snack included on site
13:00-16:00: workshop



Participants will :

  • learn about the industrial and craft heritage using the example of the “Metzeschmelz” site
    become familiar with the customs of the social and craft life of the “Schmelz” by experiencing convivial moments within the FerroForum
  • learn about the materials of iron and steel through hands-on activities
  • learn to identify and familiarise themselves with typical materials and basic tools


  • discover manual work linked to industrial heritage (linked to iron working and the steel industry)
  • learn the basics of specific practices, such as welding, machining, foundry or forge work, etc.
  • learn how to work safely


  • develop a curiosity about experimentation and acquire skills required outside school (linked to the country’s industrial history and related know-how).
  • are interested in experiencing moments typical of the workers’ culture
  • enrich their repertoire of methods for multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary teaching.


The course will be divided into three parts:

  • participants begin the day with a short hike – discovery of the “Metzeschmelz” site
  • during the lunch break, participants will be served a ferruginous snack in our refreshment bar
  • after a short introduction, participants can take part in a number of workshops on working with iron.

Methodological approach

Please remember to bring sturdy, practical clothing for manual work. (Avoid wearing slightly flammable synthetic clothing). Other safety accessories (gloves, goggles, etc.) will be provided on site.


The FerroForum multidisciplinary team
Valérie Tholl (Konschthal)

  • Date

  • Timing

  • Status

  • Location

    Atelier Central, Metzeschmelz
  • Organization by

    Konschthal Esch
  • E-Mail address