Saturday September 10
11:00 am – 4:00 pm Brewing workshop with our friends from Millebéier, followed by a gourmet carousel with industrial-culinary interventions from Dkollektiv, all accompanied by the festive and friendly sound atmosphere of the duo Krunnemécken.
2:00 pm Take part in Georges Christen’s strongman-contest: Muscle awakening guaranteed!
4:00 pm Inertie by Cie Underclouds offers an unforgettable spatio-ferruginous bodily intervention!
6:00 pm Polentone! by Luisa Bevilacqua: Times change, but the memory persists: that of a mountain grandmother and daily know-how, transformed into savoir-vivre. Cooked and told at the same time, POLENTONE! is a nourishing performance for all.
9:00 pm Closing of the workshop and departure for Building IV for the grand finale of the Nuits de la Culture.