
Eis Ouverture

Official Inauguration Ceremony on the 29th April 2022

In presence of our institutional and privileged partners, the return to the factory took place in the dynamics of the old times’ change of shifts, accompanied by a colourful crowd op mopeds and bicycles ready to resume work at the steelmill.

After the traditional “Humpen-Drëpp” (a pint and a shot) with our neighbours from Schmelzaarbechtermusee at the former pump building, the procession followed the marching Harmonie des Mineurs of Esch/Alzette to the Zentralatelier (central workshop), headquarter of FerroForum.

The “cutting” of the inaugural ribbon was operated by joint effort the mayors of Esch/Alzette and Schifflange, the two municipalities supporting our project.

After the speeches of our institutional partners, the Zentralatelier resonated with the fine tunes of the Harmonie des Mineurs, and the guests got the opportunity to discover our Atelier and grab a drink at our Buvette.


Photos © Romain Girtgen